Samantha Ronson

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Samantha Ronson 1/2 of @OceanParkStandoff. For Dj bookings contact @skamartist | |
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@samantharonson : 🔥🔥🔥 #Repost @theunsungheroines ・・・ Outdoor apparel and equipment giant @patagonia which has become increasingly activist and at odds with the actions of the Trump administration, announced today that it is giving away the entirety of 10 million dollars in unexpected cash it will have on hand as a result of what it calls Trump's "irresponsible tax cuts." The company will donate all of the 10 million dollars to groups that are actively working to find solutions to the worsening climate change crisis—the perils of which have been recently highlighted by two grave reports from both the IPCC and the National Climate Assessment Report—as well as groups working to protect air, land and water.⠀ In a statement, Patagonia CEO Rose Marcario (above) maligned the Trump tax cuts, noting: "We have always paid our fair share of federal and state taxes. Being a responsible company means paying your taxes in proportion to your success and supporting your state and federal governments, which in turn contribute to the health and well-being of civil society. Taxes fund our important public services, our first responders and our democratic institutions. Taxes protect the most vulnerable in our society, our public lands and other life-giving resources. In spite of this, the Trump administration initiated a corporate tax cut, threatening these services at the expense of our planet." The company has been vocal regarding its disdain for and disapproval of the Trump administration since it announced its planned review of national monument lands throughout the U.S., which eventually led to dramatic and potentially illegal reductions to Bears Ears and Grand Staircase Escalante National Monuments in Utah. Patagonia founder Yvon Chouinard added, "Our government continues to ignore the seriousness and causes of the climate crisis. It is pure evil. We need to double down on renewable energy solutions. We need an agriculture system that supports small family farms and ranches, not one that rewards c
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