Karlie Kloss

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Karlie Kloss Six foot two giraffe from the Lou🦒❤️ ↓ Taste Testing + Reviewing Healthy Snacks ↓ | youtu.be/V1jPAi0X0EQ |
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@karliekloss : When the world seems to be coming apart at the seams, find the light in the darkness and bring in those around you. We have lost two infinite greats this week. Kate Spade and Anthony Bourdain showed us possibility. What passion and persistence can do for a singular idea or concept. They were innovators, disruptors and geniuses. Their legacy will remain for generations to come. Honoring their memories means talking to your friends and loved ones. Checking in on them. Beginning a practice of sharing kindness and taking moments, however fleeting, for self-care. This is heavy news, but we have the opportunity to be the shoulder for someone, and to step up and offer our hearts when necessary. Be kind. ❤️ If you are thinking about suicide or self-harm, please call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255) or Crisis Text Line 741741
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