Kate Bosworth

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Kate Bosworth For social media, pls contact [email protected] . CAA (agency) // UNTITLED (mgmt) | spiidergriip.com/ |
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@katebosworth : Courteney Monroe | Humanity Magazine | photograph + text by me _____________ I first noticed Courteney Monroe before I actually knew her name. I have always adored the National Geographic Channel. Who doesn’t love to travel the world, experience new cultures and discover the history of our Earth and its inhabitants? But something new was happening. Something fresh. Someone was clearly respecting the iconic yellow border—but also expanding the perspective of the frame. Oscar winner Geoffrey Rush as Albert Einstein on National Geographic? The kicker for me was when the show’s advertisement aired directly after Lady Gaga’s epic Super Bowl performance. Geoffrey Rush (as Einstein) plays a rendition of “Bad Romance” on the violin. Quite simply it was genius. These moments don’t happen accidentally. I had to know—who was the Wizard behind the Yellow Borders? Enter CEO Courteney Monroe. Incidentally, the week I requested to meet her, I was offered a role in Nat Geo’s next limited series, The Long Road Home.I have since had the extraordinary pleasure of getting to know Courteney throughout the making of the series and the release of it. She is dazzling. If the eyes are the windows to the soul, then hers are two steps ahead of you. She is complex, like a Ferrari, pushing the boundaries and expectations in both an inspirational and an aspirational way. The most stunning part of all? She is just getting started.
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