Nina Dobrev

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@nina : How can you describe with words, the overwhelming gratitude and appreciation you feel for your mother? The person who carried you in their body for months on end (which included forced sobriety and back pain), who brought you into this world screaming and then immediately made you feel safe as soon as you were placed in their arms? The person who loved you as a cute infant (alien looking burrito phase), and put up with you in your terrible twos (I’m so sorry), then endured you during your torturing teens (again, my bad), and who to this day supports and loves you for every decision you make.... whether it be good or bad? (#1 Fan forever and always), but who will also be honest and call you out when you’re wrong (It sucks, but I need it so thank you). How do you thank your momma for all the sacrifices she made for you. How do you tell her how grateful you are for all the years you’ve shared together and how much you look forward to all the wonderful years ahead? How much her love and companionship means to you? It’s difficult. I don’t think it’s something you can express with just words. It’s a feeling. A unspoken bond just you two share. So we dedicate a day to these incredible creatures, these strong and beautiful women in our lives, who gave us life. Our mamas (and our best fiends). We can try to do it with photos. And yes, pictures are worth a thousand words. But I believe the memories are priceless... I love you Mama. To the moon and back forever and always. ❤️❤️❤️ #HappyMothersDay
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