Katie Couric

IG Katie Couric


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Katie Couric New episode of #NextQuestion: I find out what it’s like to give birth in the time of #COVID19 from the perspectives of mothers, doctors, and doulas. | apple.co/3cp14XH |
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@katiecouric : Instagram is so fun because you meet so many great people and it feels like such a nice community. I met Christina Fagan who started the company @shitthatiknit (excuse her French) on this very platform and we ended up having coffee this morning while she was in New York! She loves to knit, started writing a blog, knitted hats with her mom one summer, started selling them, couldn’t keep up with the demand, found a network of women in Peru to make them, helps these women bring in income and work from their homes and now has a thriving business. You go Christina! So fun being with you and hearing your story this morning. ☀️☕️😘 And so glad it was cold enough for me to wear your hat!
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