Julianne Hough

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Julianne Hough your power. expanded. | womenshealthmag.com/julianne-hough-naked-strength-interview |
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@juleshough : Be grateful for what you have today and focus on your own path. You are exactly where you need to be. As much as I’m saying this to all of you, I really needed to remind myself of that this week when I, along side 2 other women were auditioning/testing for the same role. It’s hard not to see what the other talented, beautiful and hard working women are bringing to the table, especially when you are pitted against each other to see who “gets the part”. We are all unique and have something very special to offer that is different, not better or worse. The minute you start comparing yourself, you lose your artistry and what makes you YOU! We live in a world today where every image we see, can be a constant reminder of what other people have, look like, believe in, and what we don’t have, what we don’t look like, and what we don’t believe in. So maybe the next time those thoughts start creeping into your head, acknowledge those things in a positive way, be happy for that person, and MOVE ON! We all deserve to celebrate the diversity in all of us and the joy that comes from owning, appreciating, accepting and loving all parts of us. The good, bad and ugly... cause is it really that good, or really that bad? Or truly that ugly? Or is that just ME?! When we can give this to ourselves (love) imagine what we can give to others (love) ❤️ Jules xo
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