Julianne Hough

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Julianne Hough your power. expanded. | womenshealthmag.com/julianne-hough-naked-strength-interview |
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@juleshough : The end of the year is a great time to reflect and look back at the choices we’ve made. Taking inventory of ourselves, our emotions, our thoughts and our actions can be extremely powerful. The act of taking “responsibility” for the choices we make, is our greatest strength and actually our SUPER POWER! When we blame others or most of the time blame ourselves, there is a constant feeling of being stuck in a cycle that repeats itself. To be frank, It’s basically the vortex from hell! 🔥🙄 Am I right?! Or am I right?! (Speaking from experience yo) When we take responsibility, we honor and accept our choices and are able to move through the cycle instead of carrying and suppressing the guilt and shame and staying stuck, running on that never ending hamster wheel of Doom! 🐹🎡😳 I invite you to make self-reflection part of your weekly, or even daily practice. It is one of the hardest things to be consistent at, but the reward is worth it.... FREEDOM!
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