Kristen Bell

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kristen bell #FeaturedTeacherFriday wishlist 📚❤️👇🏻 | |
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@kristenanniebell : Our next #10featuredteachers Round 2 is Bethanny! “Hello Insta! I’m a 6th grade English teacher in a small town in Central Missouri. I have the immense pleasure of teaching the most amazing students. Many come to school to learn in my district, but most come to school to be loved by our teachers. I love my job because it allows me to be a positive role model to our students and show them that with hard work, they are capable of rising above! I am inspired by my students every single day and am thankful they keep me up to date on the latest dance moves. My students LOVE reading, which makes me so happy. I read aloud to them every single day because I believe in the power of reading! On my Amazon wishlist, I have lots of books and supplies that will help make learning fun and accessible for my students!Thank you, donors, for supporting America’s teachers. It is incredible ❤️ 😊” Her wishlist will be in my bio all day! Let’s help her kiddos out 😘🍎📚💯
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