Kristen Bell

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kristen bell #FeaturedTeacherFriday wishlist 📚❤️👇🏻 | |
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@kristenanniebell : It’s time for another #FeaturedTeacherFriday! 📚🥰💪🏻Today’s teacher is Tej Carbone from Florida. Tej is both a teacher and a school social worker and I am so inspired by her attitude! Here’s her story: “Hi! I’m a 33 year old former licensed clinical social worker that felt the call to the classroom. I spent this past year studying and taking certification exams in order to obtain certification as an educator. I’m now certified as a school social worker, k-6 teacher and ESE. I will be teaching 2nd and 3rd grade in a small, special needs inclusion tuition-free charter school. Half of our students have documented disabilities, and a majority of our students are on free/reduced lunch. Our salaries are even less than that of our public school counterparts, yet we serve such a unique population. We have students ranging from profound intellectual disabilities all the way up to gifted, working together in the same class. This provides a unique set of challenges , but one which I am so excited to take on. As this is my first year teaching, I do not have any income with which to supply my classroom with necessities (my first check won’t come until late August), but I would love to create a calming space, with resources for ALL of my students to be successful. I will be teaching at UCP of Central Florida, Bailes campus. We are moving to a new building this year and expanding, so I’m getting a brand new classroom. This is exciting but also means I’m starting from scratch. Thank you so much for your help!” Her wishlist will be in my bio and once again- sending a massive smooch to everyone who reads this and feels inspired to help. xo! 💗🙌🏻📚
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