Minka Kelly

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Minka Kelly ABLE is a lifestyle brand focused on ending generational poverty by working with women who have often overcome extraordinary circumstances. | www.livefashionABLE.com/pages/about |
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@minkakelly : I spent the day in Tijuana yesterday with my friends @thisisabouthumanity @elsamariecollins @yolandaselenewm and @guerojusticiero. To have the opportunity to see firsthand the realities of the humanitarian crisis at our border was a privilege I wish weren’t necessary. I’ve spent my fair share of time in the slums of third world countries. That the conditions for these fellow human beings in our own backyard are just as bad if not worse is utterly heartbreaking. That these conditions are more comfortable and more safe for them than from where they are fleeing should tell you something and remind you that seeking asylum is in fact a matter of life and death. Everyone has the right to seek and to enjoy in other countries asylum from persecution. Please visit @thisisabouthumanity for ways to help make their lives a little more comfortable if you feel so inclined. We delivered donations by hand yesterday and will continue to do so to be sure you see exactly where your donations are being put to use.
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