Jena Malone

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Jena Malone Transformation/What a strange miracle you are. Gifting ease, hand in hand with maladies. Awkward, abrupt, abundant. You turn me into truth every time. | |
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@jenamalone : The practice of using a camera allows me to constantly be considering what is holy and what is in front of me. Regardless of how time dresses my experience in loss or gain. The flesh of the matter , the naked truth will always remain. And I think this is what pushes me to use a camera , or my words or my body to dance light/ meaning into the moment. To help me see what is holy and what is really there in front of me. I’m glad I can share these things but in reality it’s a deeply personal practice of trying to be present. Not just to my human body or it’s limited experience here but present to my own divinity and grace. So I guess thank you for being part of my practice and witness to my journey thus far.
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