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@vanessalachey : It’s official, my first born is now off to his first day of Kindergarten. I’ll never forget our first skin to skin, his first hiccup, his first social smile, his first word (Dog), his first joke, his first “I Love You, Mama” and now his first day of school. I still have so much to look forward to, his first serious question, his first girlfriend, his first time driving, his first broken heart (she better watch out!), his first day on his own in the real world and the first time he realized how we did it ALL for him and he says “Thank You”. Even if he doesn’t, I am so proud of this little guy and can’t wait to see the man he will become. Camden John Lachey, the world is your oyster! To the moon and back and back again!!! Forever & Always... my baby boy!!! 💫❤️💋
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