Samantha Ronson

IG Samantha Ronson


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Samantha Ronson 1/2 of @OceanParkStandoff. For Dj bookings contact @skamartist | |
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@samantharonson : Can’t beat it, repeat it..... 👇🏼 #Repost @righthandedleftyartist ・・・ This is for all the poor straight people who are so wound up about Gay Pride Month and Gay Pride Parades, that they think they need a “Straight Pride Parade”. You have nobody to blame but yourselves! Gay Pride is the LGBTQ community’s response to the way you have treated us for decades. Arrests, stings, shaming, stupid jokes, disowning parents, hateful churches, ex-gay therapy, bashings, sexual assaults, name-calling, and the list goes on. YOUR PARADE IS EVERY DAY! Every time you speak openly about your partner or spouse, or put their picture on your work desk, YOU HAD A PARADE! Every time you hold hands or engage in public displays of affection, YOU HAD A PARADE! Every time you DON’T have to worry about whether or not you can introduce your partner or spouse to your friends, or your family, or take them to a work function, YOU HAD A PARADE! Every time you DON’T have someone threaten you or call you a name or put their hands on you just because of who you are, and who you love, YOU JUST HAD A PARADE! So, go ahead Boston, have your Cargo Shorts and Backward Baseball Caps festival, but as you do, just know that OUR Gay Pride parades are very necessary, and yours is silly and superfluous. There’s also an EXCELLENT chance it will not be NEARLY as fabulous as any of ours. 😁🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈#thistimeitspersonal #happypride #happygaypride #loveislove #fuckyourstraightprideparade #sillystraightpeople #jesusdoesnotapprove #cargoshorts #baseballcaps #straightprideparade #notALLstraightpeoplejusttheDUMBones
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