Julianne Hough

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Julianne Hough your power. expanded. | womenshealthmag.com/julianne-hough-naked-strength-interview |
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@juleshough : This year has been the most reflective, soul digging and magical experience of my life- so far! 😏 I’ve posted a little about the transformation I’ve been going through this year and have been sharing a lot about the connection I have made with the #divinefeminine #sexualenergy and the elements. I have had so many amazing people/teachers around me supporting and guiding me on my journey. One of those special teachers in particular is one of my dearest friends in the whole world @scottpicard. I owe so much of my growth connecting to the female as a woman to this beautiful soul. He has helped guide me, and countless women and men connect to their power. Their Truth. He also happens to be one of the most compassionate, kind, giving and soulful humans on this planet. Unfortunately, Scott found out earlier this year that he has kidney disease (failure), and has been on dialysis everyday since. It hasn’t been easy! Recently he learned that his kindey’s are further deteriorating, and the need for a kidney transplant is more urgent than ever. Scott is so incredibly strong, but he can’t do this alone. One of HIS lessons he’s going through right now, is all about “receiving”! So, you can imagine how hard it was for him to allow his friends to reach out for help on his behalf, but how could we not?! And I can’t think of a more generous and heartwarming time of year, the holidays, to ask for help. A gofund me page has been set up by a friend to help cover his medical expenses, better his chances for a transplant and help take care of the person who will eventually donate the organ! Please Go click the link in my bio to read more about Scott and to donate to help save his life. He’s got a lot left to choreograph in his dance called “life”. In fact, he’s just getting started! Thank you from the core of my soul.
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