Julianne Hough

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Julianne Hough your power. expanded. | womenshealthmag.com/julianne-hough-naked-strength-interview |
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@juleshough : When @derekhough asked me if I wanted to sit down with learning expert/brain coach/genius @jimkwik, I was like… Duh! Little did I know, as Jim was teaching us about different ways to improve your memory, I had been doing one of them for my whole life! Did you guys know that one of the best brain exercises of all is ballroom dancing?! 🤯 Dancing not only challenges your muscles, but it also challenges your brain! 🧠💪 Exercising in general is amazing for brain health, but dancing is the only activity that actually lowers participants’ risk of dementia. WHAT!! Because you’re engaging in a social activity with a partner and memorizing steps, this results in less stress, depression, and an increased blood flow to the brain… aka a BETTER MEMORY. 💃 The main takeaway that I got from Jim was that it’s not about how smart you are, but about how you are smart. How do you challenge yourself mentally? Thank you thank you thank you @jimkwik for being such an excellent resource and for bringing so much value and insight into the world! If you guys want to learn more from Jim, check out his podcast kwikbrain!!
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