Kristen Bell

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kristen bell #FeaturedTeacherFriday wishlist 📚❤️👇🏻 | |
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@kristenanniebell : Next up for #10featuredteachers Round 2 is Angie, a first grade teacher from Topeka, Kansas, who was nominated by her daughter in law, Dani! “ I decided to become a teacher after earning my BS in Business and working 17 years in Corporate America. I wanted to give back because I felt I had been blessed. It took an additional 3 years of undergrad courses to become an elementary education teacher. I did this while going through chemotherapy and radiation treatments after being diagnosed with Stage II breast cancer. I teach in a title 1 school in an inner-city district. Many of my students are on free and reduced lunch. For the past 11 years I have taught in the poorest two schools in our district. I co-wrote a grant that earned our school funding for an after-school program. I coordinated that program for four years which also included a summer program. I completed the Reading Recovery Program approximately 4 years ago and use that training to specialize in teaching struggling readers. I currently teach first grade and love teaching my students to read. Many of my students come from homes where parents are struggling to make ends meet. They come to school without the necessities. I help provide school supplies, breakfasts, snacks, and incentives for my treasure chest, not to mention classroom decorations, Halloween and holiday treats and gifts for my students. Teaching is my passion and I believe it is a calling. I cannot think of a better way to give back to society than to spend my day teaching our youth to become successful adults.” Angie’s wishlist will be in my bio and stories all day!! Love you all so much for helping ❤️🍎😘📚
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