Matt McGorry

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Matt McGorry (He/Him/His) Maker of feels & procurer of LOLs. Activist & intersectional feminist. Asher/#HowToGetAwayWithMurder Bennett/ #oitnb 📸 by @hfdavis | |
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@mattmcgorry : #JakelinCaal. 😠😞 From @glowmaven - “A story broke about a Guatemalan girl who passed away in custody after crossing the border. She had not eaten or had anything to drink in days, sustained a fever over 105 degrees, which is beyond dangerous & results In febrile seizures and death. They didn’t get her medical attention for 90 minutes. _ DHS Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen saId “This family chose to cross illegally.” _ Choice? Let’s talk about choice. Choice is an act of selecting or making a decision when faced with two or more possibilities, a possible course of action. This is not a choice. To leave your home, your homeland, your family, your customs to travel a deadly path to a foreign land where you don’t speak the language, be met with resistance and arrest... to risk your life to hopefully make it to the USA... THAT IS NOT A CHOICE!!!! People are leaving because they have NO choice. Who wants this??? Nobody wants to choose death. They are fleeing violence and unlivable conditions. _ Just because there seem to be options doesn’t mean there is choice- for those who are privileged to walk freely, in comfort and safety- this may seem like a bad choice- but it’s an illusion of choice. No one wants to put their children in harms way. The U.S. is a well resourced country, there is no good reason for anyone to die in the custody of border patrol. Neglecting the dire medical needs of a 7 year-old baby- that’s a choice. To see someone else as beneath you and mistreat them because they are from another country- that’s a choice. To deny basic human rights- that’s a choice. To spray tear gas on women and children at the border- that’s a choice. To physically pull children apart from their families and separate and deport parents with no intention or plan for reuniting- that’s a choice. Detaining 15,000 migrant children in camps- that’s a choice. To blame immigrants for all of your problems- that’s a choice. To punish immigrants escaping peril and seeking asylum, that’s a choi
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