Drew Barrymore

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Drew Barrymore Silly goose. Mom. Business person. @flowerbeauty 🌸 @flowerbydrew | www.drewbarrymoreblog.com/ |
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@drewbarrymore : #BEAUTYJUNKIEWEEK HAS BEGUN. Your beauty routine starts at this line, and we must work upward! We forget our neck and chest!!!! this me directly after a clear and brilliant laser treatment (which i highly recommend) It’s as light as it gets and is non invasive. But it helps me with my crazy level 10 Malasma after babies. And the Dermatoligist said to me, “don’t forget, your beauty routine starts from here up” and made this exact line on her chest. And I can’t forget it. We know this, but we don’t do it. I don’t. I love my skin care routines. But I forget anything below the chin. So next time you go to wash your face, remember this hand on your chest and work upwards!!!!! Ps. Remember. I don’t get paid or encouraged to post anything during this week. These are my personal finds that I can’t wait to Share !!!!!!!!!! Pss this is me with no me up and no filter except the sun in my window! @flowerbeauty @ultabeauty @walmart
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