Troian Bellisario

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@sleepinthegardn : “Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!” — “The New Colossus” written by Emma Lazarus in 1883 and cast in bronze (and yep it’s still there guys) on the Statue of Liberty since 1886. #thisisamerica A land of opportunity, empathy, and potential and we should be welcoming, protecting and #keepingfamiliestogether If they are seeking asylum from violent and dangerous situations in their home countries. If you disagree with me keep scrolling but let’s be clear about how our government works. It is absolutely within the Power of our current president to suspend his “zero-tolerance” policy, even if this is the “law he inherited” as his administration claims, he is able to amend or suspend it while we attempt to have congress find a solution. And treating children inhumanely and asylum seekers as criminals is NOT A SOLUTION. Neither is turning them away at legal entry points and forcing them to take drastic measures. If you are curious as to how you can call your congressional representative and make your voice heard, how you can donate, or how you can volunteer to help this situation at our border I have included a link in my bio. Thank you and have a good day.
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