Jena Malone

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Jena Malone Transformation/What a strange miracle you are. Gifting ease, hand in hand with maladies. Awkward, abrupt, abundant. You turn me into truth every time. | |
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@jenamalone : “ I got saved by poetry. And I got saved by the beauty of the world “ Mary Oliver /// Real kinship is one where two hearts find a sacred belonging in the same point of view. Mary Oliver was kin to me. A mother figure who allowed my forest to be a church and my everyday moments a prayer of astonishment. Real family cant always give you permission to be holy and be yourself. Sometimes it’s the kindred spirts that come to you in many forms that bring permission into your life. Permission to love what you love. Freedom to seek joy where your spirit craves it. In honor of Mary , I’m allowing 2019 to be the year of kinship for me. Bringing more people into my life that mirror my light , spending more time and care with the people that give me permission to be myself. I’ve been desperately building this image of family since I gave birth to my son , a lineage I want to pass down to him and surround him with. But it’s been hard because I’ve been missing the higher understanding that real kinship is not always about blood ties . Thank you Mary for awaking in me a new found strength and giving me permission to build the image of family in my own light. And I love you. Thank you.
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