Aaron Paul

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@glassofwhiskey : 🖤 JERE: Colleen, we’re not here to sit in judgement. JESSE: Why not? Jesse looks up, eyes blazing. He fixes Jere with a challenging glare. JESSE: Maybe she’s right. Maybe I shoulda put it in the paper. Maybe I shoulda done something different... The thing is... if you just do stuff and nothing happens -- what’s it all mean? What’s the point? (a bitter realization) Oh, right, this whole thing is about “self-acceptance." JERE: Kicking the hell out of yourself isn’t going to give meaning to anything. JESSE: So I gotta stop “judging” and “accept”? JERE: That’s a start. JESSE: (fury building) No matter what I do, hooray for me, I’m a great guy! It’s alllll goooood. No matter how many dogs I kill, I “do an inventory” and “accept." You back your truck over your own kid and you, like, “accept”?! What a load of crap! JERE: Jesse, I can see you’re in pain, but -- (The professional empathy gets under Jesse’s skin.) JESSE: You know what? Why I’m here in the first place? To sell you meth. All of you, you’re nothing to me but customers! (to Jere) I made you my bitch. You okay with that? You “accept”? Jere is truly pissed now. Maybe that’s all Jesse wanted from him in the first place. JERE: No. Jesse looks around the room, searching for someone to challenge him. But there’s nothing but hostile silence. JESSE: About time.
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