Katie Couric

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Katie Couric New episode of #NextQuestion: I find out what it’s like to give birth in the time of #COVID19 from the perspectives of mothers, doctors, and doulas. | apple.co/3cp14XH |
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@katiecouric : This is incredibly upsetting. Jussie Smollett, one of the stars of the hit show @empirefox was attacked in Chicago early Tuesday morning by two people who yelled racial and homophobic slurs at him. The attackers also wrapped a rope around his neck and poured an “unknown chemical substance” on him. According to Chicago police, they are investigating the incident as a “possible hate crime.” @jussiesmollett is gay and came out in 2015. He has been active in work revolving around HIV/AIDS prevention. He has been a prominent ally of advocacy groups like the @humanrightscampaign and the Black AIDS Institute. Hate crimes have been on the rise - of the more than 7,100 recorded incidents attributed to prejudice in 2017, roughly 60% were caused by biases involving race, ethnicity, and ancestry. About 16% were attacks on sexual orientation. Jussie took himself to Northwestern Hospital and “is in good condition,” according to police. #jussiesmollett #whatiswrongwithpeople
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