Katie Couric

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Katie Couric New episode of #NextQuestion: I find out what it’s like to give birth in the time of #COVID19 from the perspectives of mothers, doctors, and doulas. | apple.co/3cp14XH |
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@katiecouric : This is why I love @NYC. I was having lunch with my friend @shelleyzalis at @langhamnyc and I see a nice young man eating lunch alone. “Michael?” I asked tentatively. It was @michaelbuble who I met many years ago when he performed on the @todayshow and we actually sang a duet together. (Thank you @davidfoster for making that happen!) I can’t really sing but it was a real high point for me. I know you all are dying to know what we sang so you can check out my stories. I got inspired and played it last night. (Even though I took lessons for ten years I play by ear and can figure things out. It’s a weird thing I can do lol. By the way it expired but it was “Something Stupid.” 😊Happy Friday everyone! ❤️❤️❤️ PS Michael is an absolute doll! 😍
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