Julianne Hough

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Julianne Hough your power. expanded. | womenshealthmag.com/julianne-hough-naked-strength-interview |
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@juleshough : Working on something for so long and finally seeing it come together has been the most fulfilling experience of my life. Thank you to everyone who made yesterday so special and for helping my vision COME TO LIFE! Soon, you’ll all be able to understand the journey I've been on for the past couple of years and the steps that I’ve taken in order unlock and connect to a part of myself that I was never able to fully experience. I now understand and really KNOW my body, my mind, and my soul. For the longest time I thought I knew myself, but it wasn’t until I began listening to my body and getting in touch with my divine feminine that I began to really discover my purpose. We all have it in us, and I hope I can help you all connect with yours in one way or another!! So excited for what’s to come. 😘
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