Kristen Bell

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@kristenanniebell : A wonderful sunday✌ #Repost@glennondoyle: This Sunday, please take a moment to watch what u have done. Its working. Our families are being reunited. YOU DID THIS. Jorge from Northwest Immigrant Rights project wrote to us in the middle of the night to tell us that OUR LOVE IS FINALLY WORKING. THAT THE TIDE IS TURNING. Specifically, that our funds have secured the release of ten parents as of yesterday. Yolany Padilla–who fled violence in Honduras to seek legal asylum in the US--is one of them. Her 6-yr-old son Jelsin was taken from her by ICE two months ago. YESTERDAY, YOUR FUNDS SECURED JELSIN’S RETURN TO YOLANYS ARMS. Yolany said, “It’s difficult to explain how I feel because this moment is so big. It’s been so long since I’ve seen him, just imagine how I feel…It was like my heart was going to leap out of my body.” I love that Yolany used her statement to ask America to be brave & compassionate enough to imagine. To imagine how it feels to be her. How it feels to be her son. You did that. You dared to do what many refuse to do. You dared to imagine how it would feel to have your baby taken from your arms and not know if you’ll ever see him again. You dared to imagine and that imagining broke your heart. And then you USED that heartbreak. You didn’t waste it. You used It as fuel and you gave. When you gave to Together Rising, you transformed heartbreak into action. YOUR HEARTBREAK REUNITED YOLANY&JELSIN. This is how it’s done.This is how Love Wins. YOU PROVIDED BAIL BOND FUNDS FOR EVERY SINGLE IMMIGRANT PARENT IN THE STATE OF WASHINGTON WHOSE CHILDREN WERE TAKEN AT THE BORDER. EVERY SINGLE ONE. Your funds allow the detained parents to be removed from detention pending the completion of their asylum claims&immigration proceedings, giving parents a much better opportunity to reunify with children-and have children removed from detention-while their cases are pending, which can take up to 1year. We wont quit until every parent has their child back. 100% of what
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