Kelly Slater

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@kellyslater : So about a year ago I got a message from a guy telling me he had this dream where he was talking to me, @tomo_surfboards, #GeorgeGreenough, and one or two more shapers about board design and I told him exactly which dimensions I wanted on a board. He woke up and wrote it all down then shaped this board for me and sent me a message on insta. We’ve since played tag trying to link up and today was the day. Justin Laird (@lairdsurfcraft) dropped me off a 4’11” and a 5’4” he made from his design dream. This was a huge effort and he went out of his way for me which I really appreciated. Just wanted to share a cool little story and send a thank you back to him and his family for sending me a pic of his girls (who also made me a ‘Thank You’ card). Good to meet you and I know it’s cliche but here’s to hoping other people follow their dreams and share the stoke and ideas. Let you know how these ride soon. 🤙🏽🏄🏽‍♂️
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